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Tools, classes, documents, and compilers for Eiffel programming language.
Operating Systems Released Price Click here to order!
March 1997 $39.95
This CDROM gives you complete access to the world of Eiffel along with working tools and classes.

You'll find the following Eiffel compilers:

EonISESIGTowerSmall EiffelVisual Eiffel
DOS x x x
Win 3.1 x x
Win 95 xxxx
Win NT xxx
Linux x xxx
FreeBSD x x
SunOS x x

  • Eon/Eiffel is a shareware compiler, producing C++ code.
  • ISE free Eiffel for Windows is a freeware maintained by ISE.
  • SIG Eiffel/S 1.3S is the shareware version of Eiffel/S.
  • TowerEiffel 1.5 for Linux is the full version, TowerEiffel for Windows 1.5 is Beta and requires a C compiler.
  • Small Eiffel is version 0.88 - Visual Eiffel 1.048

You'll also find:

  • Eiffel classes and clusters
  • Texts and archives about Eiffel, including the Eiffel Frequently Asked Questions Document; articles on EiffelOutlook; Invitation to Eiffel; the archives of NICE, including ELS95 and ETR; Mail list of the Eiffel News and Eiffel Patterns; Newsgroup Archives of comp.lang.eiffel through December 1996.
  • Utilities to make using the disc easier including djgcc (great MSDOS 32 bit C compiler), ghostscript postscript viewer, emacs editor.
  • The related languages Heron and Sather

The disc runs under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, MSDOS, and Unix. You can find any keyword quickly with our fully indexed text files.